Sunday, November 20, 2011

First Haircut!

I know that Zach is not even six months yet but unbelievably, it is time to trim this little boy's hair! He was born with so much of it that it is becoming hard to get it to look nice. So today, when Mike was trimming the other boys' hair, I had him do Zach's. What a pumpkin! We, of course, kept a little bit for his baby book and took these adorable pictures! Love this little "big" guy!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The stars.....

Tonight we took a drive after church to go get our state fair tickets and as we were driving home, Taylor rolled down his window and exclaimed "Look at the stars! I love them! They are so pretty!" Such pure innocence and excitement for the creation of God! It humbled me and made me think and wonder when is the last time that I got that excited about something God had created. I've so enjoyed this summer and I feel so blessed to be where I am. I too, love the stars and think they are pretty. :)

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Enjoying the sunset....

I'm finding as we enjoy the little moments that I want to capture them more than ever. I think it's because I know that there will never be another time like this. I'm so grateful to have my three precious healthy boys! Thank you Lord for each day!

Christy Henderson
Sent from my iPhone


We pray for blessings
We pray for peace
Comfort for family, protection while we sleep
We pray for healing, for prosperity
We pray for Your mighty hand to ease our suffering
All the while, You hear each spoken need
Yet love us way too much to give us lesser things

Cause what if Your blessings come through raindrops
What if Your healing comes through tears
What if a thousand sleepless nights
Are what it takes to know You’re near
What if trials of this life are Your mercies in disguise

We pray for wisdom
Your voice to hear
And we cry in anger when we cannot feel You near
We doubt Your goodness, we doubt Your love
As if every promise from Your Word is not enough
All the while, You hear each desperate plea
And long that we'd have faith to believe

Cause what if Your blessings come through raindrops
What if Your healing comes through tears
What if a thousand sleepless nights
Are what it takes to know You’re near
And what if trials of this life are Your mercies in disguise

When friends betray us
When darkness seems to win
We know the pain reminds this heart
That this is not, this is not our home
It's not our home

Cause what if Your blessings come through raindrops
What if Your healing comes through tears
And what if a thousand sleepless nights
Are what it takes to know You’re near
What if my greatest disappointments
Or the achings of this life
Is the revealing of a greater thirst this world can’t satisfy
And what if trials of this life
The rain, the storms, the hardest nights
Are Your mercies in disguise

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Last night I heard a robin singing in the rain,
And the raindrop's patter made a sweet refrain,
Making all the sweeter the music of the train.

So, I thought, when trouble comes, as trouble will,
Why should I stop singing? Just beyond the hill
It may be that sunshine floods the green world still.

He who faces the trouble with a heart of cheer
Makes the burden lighter. If there falls a tear,
Sweeter is the cadence in the song we hear.

I have learned your lesson, bird with spotted wing,
Listening to your music with its tune of spring-
When the storm cloud darkens, its the TIME to sing.
~Eben Eugene Rexford~


The day that Zach arrived into this world, God gave me some special time with Him alone in the delivery room. I was able to read His word, gather strength for what was to come and thank Him for the miracle of new life.
Its in those life changing moments, that we yearn for something very special to remind us throughout the years of that time, that event, where we can remember just how close He was to us. Sometimes its Scripture, sometimes a song, sometimes a poem or something somebody said.
This day it was a song. I'm so thankful that the Lord still inspires talented people to write and express what He means to them because that inspiration and moving comes through the song and in turn inspires and moves others. What Holy Spirit leading.....

Pencil marks on a wall
I wasn't always this tall,
You scattered some monsters from beneath my bed,
You watched my team win,
You watched my team lose,
You watched when my bicycle went down again,

And when I was weak unable to speak,
still I could call You by name,
and I said “Elbow healer, Superhero,
come if You can,” and You said “I am”

Only 16, life is so mean, what kind of curfew is at ten PM
You saw my mistakes, You watched my heart break
Heard when I swore I’d never love again

When I was weak, unable to speak,
still I could call You by name,
and I said “Heart-ache Healer, Secret-keeper,
be my Best Friend” and You said “I am”

You saw me wear white, by pale candlelight,
I said forever to what lies ahead
two kids and a dream, with kids that can scream
too much it might seem when it’s two AM

When I am weak, unable to speak,
still I will call You by name.
“Oh Shepherd, Savior, Pasture-maker,
hold on to my hand,” and You say “I am.”

The winds of change,
And circumstance blow in and all around
us so we find a foothold that’s familiar,
And bless the moments that we feel You nearer
Life had begun, I was woven and spun,
You let the angels dance around the throne, who can say when,
But they’ll dance again, when I am free and finally headed home

I will be weak, unable to speak,
still I will call You by name
“Creator, Maker, Life-sustainer,
Comforter, Healer, My Redeemer,
Lord and King, Beginning and
the End, I am, yes, I am.”


There are so many of them. Most of them are wonderful, beautiful, lovely moments where I can find the strength and grace to be inspired by everything around me and truly know that I am blessed beyond what I deserve.
Then there are days like today where I have to be reminded that I am blessed and God has to show me specifically that He is there. One would think that it wouldn't have to be this way when if I stopped to consider that I have three healthy beautiful children and an incredible husband without even starting to list all the things that I have, I wouldn't and shouldn't need to be reminded.
These are the days where I cannot rise above my emotions, where I cannot positively assess where I am, where, most importantly, my time with God has gone to the back burner to sit and wait until I'm ready to stir it up.
Even now, as I try to get that special intimate time with God, my four week old is screaming in his little seat and I can hear my two and three year old fighting over bouncy balls in the entry way......where will I get the time to gather that strength for today?
Two minutes - that's all I need! The passage that I was suppose to read today was Psalms 51-55 and the two minutes that I received to read just Psalm 51 was exactly what I needed!
Verse 1
"Have mercy upon me, O God, according to Thy lovingkindness"
Verse 2
"Wash me thoroughly from mine iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin"
Verse 8
"Make me to hear joy and gladness;"
Verse 10
"Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me"
Verse 11
"and take not thy holy spirit from me"
Verse 12
"Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit"
Verse 17
"a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise"
I am now refreshed and renewed, seeking for the good in today, with a better spirit given from Jesus! How exciting and humbling that I can commune with Him and He with me!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

He giveth more grace...

...when the burdens grow greater. And they've grown. Right now, I'm not sure where I should be or how I should be acting or how I should be re-acting. I don't understand what He's doing in our life and I don't know why He would allow this at this time but He is. I just pray that I have the strength to go through it and survive. I'd rather not go through it though......

Friday, July 15, 2011

Zachary's First Visitors!

Nana & Papa Anderson
Grandpa & Grandma Henderson
Auntie Heather
Auntie Jessie
Auntie Erica
Uncle Garrett
Auntie Amy & Cousin Kaylee

Our Family!

He's Here!

Waiting For Zachary!

My mom and I
Heather, me and Jess
Us four girls
Me & My Honey!

Today's the DAY!

Today, Baby Zachary John arrived! He is 11 pounds 2 ounces! 11 pounds 2 ounces! And 22 1/2 inches long. He has a bruised little face just like his brother Cole but they say that it should go away in a couple days. He is so cute!
We were scheduled this morning for a medical induction and when I called at 6am they told me to come in at 7am! I wasn't quite prepared for that but we were able to get there by 7:30. Mike had to drop me off so he could take the boys to Auntie Amy's for the day which allowed me to get hooked up to the monitors before he got back. I asked for them to break my water and see what happened before hooking me to pitocin just to see if I could go into labor on my own. If I could do it without pitocin, then I wouldn't have to have an IV in my hand which is what I really wanted. It also meant that I couldn't have any IV pain medications which Mike was not really looking forward to but what I wanted to do. :)
After my water was broken, I laid in the bed for a while and around 11am got up to walk around with my mom. My sisters, Erica and my mom and dad-in-law were all there waiting for Baby Zach to arrive and they stayed in the room while we walked around. The contractions started to come on strong around 11:30 and I went back to the room to lay down again. Around 12pm, I went into hard labor and he arrived at 1:13pm. It was a very quick and I did think that it would end up that way.....which was why I didn't want or think I needed pitocin.
He is perfect and beautiful!
I'm so thankful that he is here and that we made it through without any complications!
God is so good to us! Our family is now complete!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Elective Induction

I pity the women (including myself) who cannot go into labor on their own. Their water does not break, they do not maintain steady contractions and nothing seems to progress. I don't know what we would have done a hundred years ago. All of us probably died or could never have another baby. And because we can't go into labor on our own, we have to settle for inductions. But not just any inductions, either elective or medical.
Well, today, I was "scheduled" for an elective induction. Oh how lovely the thought. I called at 6am like they said and the charge nurse told me to be here by eight but if anything changed she would call me. We live about 30 minutes from the hospital so we had to leave by 7:30. 7:20 my phone rings. Unbelievable! Sure enough, things had changed and they couldn't have me come in. I cried. Cried because I hadn't wanted to schedule the induction to begin with. Cried because I had thought it was going to happen. Cried because now it was postponed. Cried because Zachary isn't here yet.
The charge nurse said she would call once she had spoken to the doctor on call.
I call at 9am.
New charge nurse. She says that she was going to call me back at 10 but now that I've called, I should just plan my day and not even think about having an induction today. Although the doctor did say that if they could get me in before 3pm there was a possibility we could still do it. She said she would call me back at noon to let me know where everything stood.
Finally by 2pm, I just called back and oh wow, what a coincidence, she was just going to call me! Right. She said that the doctor was going to be pulling my chart and looking at it and then giving me a call since there wasn't a way to get the induction done today.
I wait.
The doctor calls and says that we should schedule it for tomorrow. I in no way am doing that. I asked her if there was more of a chance that it would happen if we just waited until it was medically necessary because I just can't handle up in the air plans. Drives me nuts. I need to know for sure what is going on. And I don't think that's crazy when you have to consider the others involved - a husband that works, a sister-in-law that is going to watch the kids that day, a mom who will watch your kids until you are released, sisters and friends who want to be there - it's not just about me! So I said no to any other elective inductions and we will wait to see if I can make it to Friday when they HAVE to take me! :) Wicked laugh just now! She stated that she would have to see what the schedule looked like and she would call me back. And she did call back in a nice time. And I am scheduled for this Friday. I bumped some other poor woman who can't go into labor on her own from the schedule and she is going to be so disappointed to find out.
So yeah, this whole thing hinges on the fact now that Zach isn't going to arrive on his own.
Hmmmmmmm.......I wonder if that will happen now that I'm making him wait! :)

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Baby Zach is waiting...

...and waiting and waiting! He just doesn't seem to want to leave his cozy little home! :) I guess I don't really blame him. We had an appointment with the doctor yesterday and everything was the same from Thursday night so.......who knows when this is all going to take place.
Mike and I were able to go on a date last night to Mall of America where we walked and walked hoping to make things happen but again, not a movement or change! Stinker! :) We at the California Ranch and the food was really good but wow, didn't really care for the music. It made us leave the restaurant just a little sooner than we would have. Definitely wouldn't recommend it for families. But I got my Starbucks and some paper from Archivers to finish Zach's announcements and all in all it was just wonderful! I love having that alone time with Mike - so few and far between. Except when we are exhausted at night after the boys have gone to sleep but the quality as you can imagine is not quite there! :)

Friday, July 8, 2011

Daddy Knows... to make them laugh! I love capturing stuff like this! It truly makes me love my husband more and appreciate the father that he is!

Labor Labor Labor

So last night I thought I was going into labor. Well, I thought wrong. I called the labor and delivery line around 6pm because I thought that I might be in labor. What would make me think this way? Oh just the fact that I couldn't walk through the pain that I was having because of the pressure on my pelvic and it would come and go along with some great labor contractions so of course, I think I'm in labor. The nurse said to come in so I could get evaluated and I called everyone (mom, sisters and friends). We get to the hospital, I have a couple more contractions, they hook up the monitoring equipment and everything goes away. Fun. The doctor was really nice and said to keep me for an hour and have me walk around and see if anything changes. I had a great nurse too. But alas, at 9pm, nothing had changed and everything had stopped. So we went to Perkins! Cause that's what you do when your labor stops! Perkins! It was so much fun though! And who knows when the opportunity will arise to go out to eat at 10:30 with your husband, two sisters, mom and dad and mom and dad-in-law. Probably never! :) And at this point, still the same - nothing! So we shall see! I have a doctor's appointment today at 3:30 and will probably schedule my elective induction then. I will keep anyone and everyone posted!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Taylor & the Toad

We went outside to play today and when we got out some toys there was a toad sitting right next to what Taylor wanted to play with. He was facing away from me so I couldn't see why he was laughing and saying that it was tickling. When I asked him what was tickling him he turned around and showed me this toad that was crawling up his shorts! I've never seen a toad do that before! The toad just kept crawling up and up and these are the pictures that I got! The last picture got a little crazy because right after I took it the frog jumped to my hand and I dropped my phone!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

No movement...

...scares me. To death. Zach is a very active baby. Even at this stage in the game, he is active and moves very often and quite a bit. So much so that Sunday night my mom could see very clearly what limbs were moving while we sat and talked.
So yesterday, when he hadn't moved in over 12 hours and I couldn't get him to move, I got just a little nervous. The clinic told me to come and have a non-stress test done so we could make sure he was ok so that was today at 3:50. It was with Dr. Hessl and I found out that I am at 4cm! 4! She did some stuff to try and help any labor contractions along and proceeded to tell me that even though I have another doctor's appointment on Friday, she doesn't think I will make it to then. The stress test went perfect! He moved just like he needed to and I actually had some contractions so the doctor loved that even more! She said that they will sometimes give a patient some pitocin to see how the baby responds to contractions and this was great that they could see his movement with contractions. I had contractions all the way home and contractions for a couple hours after I got home tonight which made me call the labor and delivery line to see what I should do about them but they said to wait it out and start moving around to see if anything changes. I should only come in when I can't walk or talk through a contraction. And those kind of contractions should be for over a half an hour. Sure enough when I got up to start making dinner and get some stuff done, boom, they stopped. On a dime. So we have been having a relaxing evening at home. Waiting. And we will probably continue to wait. He's going to get here only when he wants to! :)

Sunday, July 3, 2011

American Boy

I love the Fourth of July! I love all the patriotism and how fun it is and especially all the fruit desserts! Yes, this pregnancy is determining what I love right now! :)
My mother-in-law bought the boys matching jean short overalls in a really dark wash and I had some white polos so I made them wear matching outfits today for church and they looked so cute! I got this really sweet picture of Taylor! It makes me so sad to think that he might possibly grow up in a country that isn't as free as the one I know now.
May God Bless Our Country!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Teething Fever

Cole has been so upset lately and he has one of his front teeth coming in but it just won't cut through! Don't know why but it's just being stubborn!
Yesterday I looked at his mouth and started to put teething gel on the other side of his mouth thinking maybe something was happening over there and he had cut a molar! No wonder he was upset! He's so precious and he really doesn't complain a lot but now I think he had every reason. He just collapsed after I gave him that teething gel and tylenol. :) So cute!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Ground Breaking Ceremony!

The construction is finally starting on our church! We are about to break ground and start the building process! It is so very exciting! Today we had our ceremony on the land and Mike was able to make commemorative shovels for the pastors which I thought was really special. He also made one that will go in the new building once it's done. But here's a pretty good picture of the land, with the four pastors and deacons! God is so good!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Ryan's 6th Birthday!

Today Ryan turned 6! I can't believe that 6 years has already gone fast......unbelievable..... Anyway, Heather had a party and it turned out really nice! The goody bags were so cute and she went to the trouble of making sure that the boys and girls were different which I thought was so nice. She even had games! I don't think that I've had one game at any of my parties - how pathetic am I? :) It was very nice to be with family and friends! Even though the weather wasn't what Heather had planned on, the basement ended up working out really nicely! And of course, as soon as it was over, the sun came out and the rain disappeared.....figures. Happy Birthday Ryan!

Cole's First Sucker

Cole experienced a sucker for the first time today.....and he loved it!
What kid wouldn't love a Blow Pop? :)

Monday, June 13, 2011

Heirloom Photos

I've been working with my Grandma Anderson on the old family photos she has, hoping to get together a family tree and identify everyone so our ancestry tree is preserved. I think she is the only one that has this information. I scanned in the photos from the Rooney side which is her parents and these are some of my favorites! I just had to share!

Friday, June 10, 2011

4 Weeks....

I had my 36 week check up today - full exam - does not excite me! I teased the nurse about the stupid little paper sheets they give you to cover up with and she actually gave me a cloth sheet! Wow! I was impressed! My hemoglobins got checked too and they came back at 11 so being up from 7.6 about 6 weeks ago is fabulous! I had to wait almost an hour for the doctor though because she was on call which I didn't know when I made the appointment.......probably would have picked someone else if I had known. However, I LOVE Dr. Flory - she delivered both my boys and she is amazing! I asked if she was going to be out of town on my due date and she is but......since I will probably over due and have to be induced just like the other two deliveries, she will be in town then, so I don't have anything to worry about! I'm totally picking my induction based on when she is on call. :) And hoping and praying and wishing that my delivery nurse I had with Cole is on duty then too! Jenny Burger at Maple Grove is amazing!!! Okay, those are all my plugs for today. Oh, not dilated, softening but not effaced and he has not dropped. But he's head down so I'm very very very happy! Thank you Jesus!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Cole & Ketchup

So......Cole loves the condiments! No matter what it is, he loves it! It really stinks when he is fine with the french fry in his hand but wants to dip it as soon as we open any ketchup or bbq sauce. Too funny! We have more than a few photos and videos proving this but I will just post a couple below to document this condiment phase! :)

Thursday, May 12, 2011

4D Ultrasound!!!

Tonight we had an appointment with Bella Angel Imaging in Maple Grove to get a 4D ultrasound of Zach. We have been able to do this with Taylor and Cole and we definitely wanted to be able to do it with Zach. Bella Angel is awesome! The facility is so nice! Very warm and welcoming! Both sets of parents have also been able to attend each ultra sound and this one was no different! After we were finished with our appointment we walked across the parking lot to Dave and Busters and had dinner there. It was a very nice evening and a very special time for us! The only photos that captured the evening though were the images of Zach! I can't remember why we didn't take any pictures of us but it just didn't happen! I hope I can post his pictures soon!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Sleepover at Nana & Papa's

My parents are amazing! My mom asked if they could take the boys over night so that Mike and I could have some time alone and so last night was the night! If you could have seen the boys as they drove away, it would have melted your heart. They were so happy and excited and Taylor waved the whole way down the road - he was so excited to be going to Nana and Papa's! It was such a sweet special time for Mike and I. We were able to sleep in, hang out, go shopping, walk around and enjoy each other without interruption. Somehow when you have kids, uninterrupted time becomes very precious! :) Thank you Mom and Dad for being so wonderful! The boys LOVED their time with you!


The softball season is upon us! This came way too fast! I don't know why this year but it did. All of a sudden here we are packing up the kids and heading over to the field to play softball......such a wonderful sign that spring/summer is here! We played Berean tonight and they were a great team! Mike's friend Matt Fure is one of the pastor's there so it was good to see him and his little boy Jack - so cute! Unfortunately, they were such a great team that we lost pretty good to them. But hey, it's good practice right? Hopefully as the season progresses we will get better and better. I guess we can't get worse and worse, can we? Oh, side note - iPad has a great app that lets you keep score and stats on everyone and it is awesome!!! Everyone on the team can see it later once you upload it to their website! It was super fun to enter everything.....this is going to make stat keeping so easy! Anyways, love it! Oh, its GameChanger if anyone was wondering! :)

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day!

I had a wonderful Mother's Day and just wanted to post that I love my husband and I love my kids! They are so precious to me and are my world! I couldn't have asked for a better husband and family....God is so good to me.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Farmers Market

How fun is the Farmers Market?! Too fun! Our church held a ladies retreat this weekend and everyone went up to Duluth but my mom and I didn't go so I asked her if she would like to go to the Farmers Market this morning. She of course, said YES! She picked me up at 6:15 and we headed down there. The morning ended up being absolutely beautiful and of course so did the rest of today which has been a wonderful gift in and of itself! Sunshine! We found the best planters filled with amazing flowers and we were able to get some for my grandma who is still in the hospital for Mother's Day. I got one too and it is gorgeous! I can't wait to see how everything looks once I put it together and take some pictures! I also found this annual that loves shade - which is what I have - and it's called monkey flower.......never ever heard of it before! But it really compliments my planter so I'm happy about that. We went to Home Depot after that to get potting soil and some miscellaneous things which was fun too! It was such a great day! Great day! Thank you Honey for watching the boys! :)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Shepherd does not ask of thee
Faith in your faith, but only faith in Him;
And this He meant in saying, "Come to me."
In light or darkness seek to do His will,
And leave the work of faith to Jesus still.

Christy Henderson
Sent from my iPhone

Friday, April 22, 2011

Zach's Baby Blanket

We have this wonderful tradition in our family where Nana (my mom) lets us pick out the fabric of our choice and she makes a baby blanket - complete with embroidered squares - and a coordinating diaper bag for the new baby! So today was that day and we went to this wonderful little quilt shop and they had really cute Amy Butler fabric and I found the perfect combination!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Dinner at Culvers

Lately, Mike has been craving Culvers cheeseburgers so we end up going there once a week. We all get the Scoopie Meals so we can save up the tickets to buy Culvers stuff :) and then we can get ice cream. It's just fun! :) I was able to take some pictures this time and since it's something that we do on a pretty regular basis, I figured I should document it! :) Too funny!

Last Day...

This week went by just as I hoped it would - not too fast, not too slow - just right! I am currently sitting at Starbucks waiting for Mike to get done with class and just enjoying the smell of coffee and the relaxation of blogging! Too much fun! Checked out of our hotel just now and we have about 4 hours before we have to be at the airport so we get to walk up and down 16th Street Mall and get some souveneirs and eat at Anatoli's. This is going to be the perfect afternoon because its already 50 degrees, with not a cloud in the sky!!! And tonight, I get to hug and kiss my babies! I can't wait!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Sicker Than a Dog

Oh my! I didn't think that this congestion was going to turn into this but it was awful last night! I felt so bad for Mike because I could not go to sleep, could not get comfortable, could not stop reaching for the kleenex and could not stop getting a drink of water. I could not have been a worse sleep partner last night! I ended up on the floor so that my tossing and turning wouldn't keep waking him up and thankfully that didn't wreck my back.....although I was convinced that it would. But what a nice morning to be able to sleep in until 11, then take a bath, then slowly get ready and then head out to explore. Just magical! :) I miss my boys tho! I kept having these dreams about them, that they were with me and how were we going to go shopping today without a funny! :) I'm too much a mom now, I think! :)
So.......I had a fantastic club sandwich at Jason's Deli (never been there), got a gourmet cupcake from Mermaids Bakery and Pie Shoppe (never been there), picked up some naughty cold medicine that I'm not sure that I should really be taking from Walgreens (been there too many times already) and now I'm at Starbucks drinking a white mocha with a shot of caramel and blogging away! How much more relaxing could this be? :) I truly am in wife heaven!

Monday, April 11, 2011

We Are Here!

Well, the flight went very very well! So thankful for a good pilot! And I sat next to a colonel in the air force who was very jittery and kept reviewing his itinerary every 5 minutes. Try that for an hour and a half. I didn't know if he was going to be able to make it! Between him shaking his leg and Mike shaking his legs, my sanity barely stayed in tact. :)
The hotel is really funky but very nice and right down town. We are about 2 blocks from 16th Street Mall which is very similar to Nicollet so I feel right at home. Not as many shopping choices as Nicollet but still very fun! Very excited to explore and see what I find in the coming days. :)
I am battling a cold and the more I think about it the more I think that it might be allergies but not very sure at all......hopefully I can take some medicine for this congestion and be done with it sooner rather than later.
The boys will be with Grandma and Grandpa Henderson for the rest of the night and then Nana will be there bright and early tomorrow morning to spend all day Tuesday and Wednesday with them. I'm so thankful for wonderful wonderful parents!
Oh, did I mention that it's 73 degrees? Loving it!

Denver Here We Come

I can't believe that this week is finally here! I've been waiting for what seems like forever for it to arrive and thought it would be just a little longer but wow, it came fast! What a sweet treat that our family is giving us by being with our boys and allowing us to take this trip together! There's quite a schedule for this week but between our parents, Erica and Jessica every minute is covered and they will be with family the entire time and probably having too much fun!
We didn't tell Taylor anything about the trip because he's old enough to understand that if we leave, there is a possibility that he can come too so we just thought we would leave all that conversation out of the equation. But boy did he understand really quick when we were packing this morning. I felt so bad because he immediately asked Mike if he could come too and all the crying started. But.....we are staying in touch with Skype so hopefully that will help with all the homesickness on our end and their missing us on that end.
Not quite sure about this plane ride coming up but God is with me! :)

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Cole the Woodworker

Mike has been working on these name plaques for the boys and they are turning out absolutely beautiful. But all Cole has seen is Mike sanding them down for the next coat of stain. So when Cole started sanding it on his own, we had to get a video. I love how little boys want to be just like their daddy!

So goofy

This morning both boys woke up very happy and were so goofy eating breakfast! We've already had so much fun today!


This is the first time that I have seen him do this and I just had to post a picture! He's so cute!!! Sometimes I just eant to squeeze him so much!