Monday, August 9, 2010

Vacation - Day One

So Taylor was running wild til 1am! What in the world! I don't know what got into him - had to be the hotel room and everything.....but wow. Finally he laid down on the bed with Mike at around 1am and then proceeded to kick and turn, then fall asleep just long enough to fall off the bed at 2:45am. Seriously? I got up, comforted him, prayed that Cole wouldn't wake up from the crying, laid him down in the packnplay, then I laid down again. But that woke Taylor up all over again, so at 4am he was still awake and still looking for toys and not wanting to go to sleep. I finally had to tell him that if he did anything else or got out again, that he would be in trouble. Not sure if that worked or not but he seemed to stay quiet for a while and then finally ended up sleeping. But of course, when Cole woke up at 9am then Taylor woke up. So yeah, the sleeping situation is not quite the most lovely it could be. We went to Do North Pizza and it was fantastic! Mike found a brochure in the lobby and I was afraid that it was going to be such a hole in the wall and not at all appealing from the outside but it ended up being in a newer strip mall and was very clean and inviting. My mom would have been so proud of us! Supporting the local businesses and all! I can't wait to tell her! :) We then went down to the pier to see the "ducks" which is what Tay calls the seagulls and watch the boats come in. We got some popcorn and pop, oh, that was after the stop at Caribou.....couldn't have lasted through the day without some good coffee! We were hoping to see some ships come in but they were coming in so much later in the day so we had to just leave and wait for another day. We were hoping to order Do North Pizza again but they closed at 8pm so we had to settle for Pizza Hut. Not quite the same but good still. I'm hoping for a much better night tonight with the sleeping......maybe, just maybe.....

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