Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Kaylee's Celebration!

Amy invited us to join her, Kaylee & Nick, Angie and the kids, and Ginger and her kids to go to Build A Bear at Ridgedale Mall. It was so very nice because Taylor was able to pick out his own bear and I picked out a little vest. He watched it being made and when we registered the bear, I decided to name it Baylor Bear because we always call Taylor "Taylor Baylor" and I thought that it would be really cute to name it that. We took all the kids to the play area to run off some steam. Taylor had a great time going in and out of the little houses and going down the slide. I love how big he is getting and how independent he is getting....makes me sad that the time is going by so quickly.....he is so precious. We ended up at the food court - couldn't really find a lot of tables together so we had to put the kids at one table and the boys at another and then shove some more together so the adults could sit together. I ended up leaving before everyone else because of nap time. It was so much fun and I'm so glad that we were able to celebrate Kaylee's birthday with her!
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