Saturday, August 16, 2008

Fishin' with Mom and Dad

We finally planned a night with my parents! We've been trying all summer to get together and enjoy the boat but it hasn't worked out until now. But we had a beautiful night! So last night, we met Mom and Dad at 'Za, this awesome pizzeria in Forest Lake right off the lake and enjoyed some great food. Dad was a little eager to get out before the sun set so we had to eat fast! :)
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The lake was so calm and the sky was unbelievably clear - just a beautiful night! We went over to the channel near my Grandma's house and the guys started fishing. Mom and I played Scrabble (I have a travel set) and enjoyed the weather. Taylor slept the whole time! We made this little bed for him on the floor of the boat and bundled him all up. The weirdest thing though........we passed this one inlet where all these white cranes were up in the trees roosting for the night. There was about fifty to sixty cranes just sitting in the was so creepy. After that, we headed back to my parent's house to enjoy coffee malts. My dad makes the best malts! The night was so relaxing and wonderful, just a great Friday night!

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