Saturday, May 7, 2011

Farmers Market

How fun is the Farmers Market?! Too fun! Our church held a ladies retreat this weekend and everyone went up to Duluth but my mom and I didn't go so I asked her if she would like to go to the Farmers Market this morning. She of course, said YES! She picked me up at 6:15 and we headed down there. The morning ended up being absolutely beautiful and of course so did the rest of today which has been a wonderful gift in and of itself! Sunshine! We found the best planters filled with amazing flowers and we were able to get some for my grandma who is still in the hospital for Mother's Day. I got one too and it is gorgeous! I can't wait to see how everything looks once I put it together and take some pictures! I also found this annual that loves shade - which is what I have - and it's called monkey flower.......never ever heard of it before! But it really compliments my planter so I'm happy about that. We went to Home Depot after that to get potting soil and some miscellaneous things which was fun too! It was such a great day! Great day! Thank you Honey for watching the boys! :)

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