Saturday, January 15, 2011

Forever 29!!!

So I turned 29 yesterday!!! I remember being little and thinking that there was no way that I would ever be this old! But I love where I am and I am thankful for what God has done and allowed in my life! He truly has been gracious to me!
So for my birthday we had our first baby appointment!!! It was very special and I was thankful that it wasn't a standard OB appointment. We did listen for the heartbeat and the baby was so low that it took a while before we could find it. When we were finally able to hear it, I was at a very tearful point. But the heart rate is at 150 so I am hoping that those old wives tales about a heart beat above 150 means it's a girl come true!

It was a wonderful fabulous day and I was very spoiled! So loving the thought of today too - relaxing and shopping and eating out! Oh and playing on my new iPad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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