Saturday, December 19, 2009

Merry Christmas, Grandma!

Christmas has changed over the years for us.....I remember so many years, heading to my Grandma Anderson's on Christmas Eve and all the cousins would be there and the aunts and uncles. Grandma would have her Christmas village in the bay window that overlooked the channel to the lake and her tree would be decorated with multi-colored lights with a million presents underneath that were just dying to be opened! So many memories.....
Now that we all have children of our own and my mom is now a grandma, Christmas Eve is spent at Mom and Dad's with all the brothers and sisters, nieces and nephews. It is as magical for them as it was for us and such a special time! Since we no longer see my Grandma and aunts and uncles, the Saturday before Christmas is now spent together at either my Grandma's house or my Aunt Sharon's house. This year it was at Sharon's and we all brought food and played games together. We didn't open presents because my cousins still see everyone else on Christmas Eve and Grandma had bought us similar gifts and she didn't want their presents to be ruined. This year, I put together a "heritage" album for her that has current pictures of all the kids, grandkids and great grandkids. I know she liked it and it was really fun to put together. No matter how much the traditions have changed, this time is still very special for us! I'll always think of Grandma Anderson when I see a Christmas village (I started one this year!) and remember all those Christmas Eve nights and just how memorable they were for us!
Merry Christmas, Grandma!

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