I had my 36 week check up today - full exam - yeah.....so does not excite me! I teased the nurse about the stupid little paper sheets they give you to cover up with and she actually gave me a cloth sheet! Wow! I was impressed! My hemoglobins got checked too and they came back at 11 so being up from 7.6 about 6 weeks ago is fabulous! I had to wait almost an hour for the doctor though because she was on call which I didn't know when I made the appointment.......probably would have picked someone else if I had known. However, I LOVE Dr. Flory - she delivered both my boys and she is amazing! I asked if she was going to be out of town on my due date and she is but......since I will probably over due and have to be induced just like the other two deliveries, she will be in town then, so I don't have anything to worry about! I'm totally picking my induction based on when she is on call. :) And hoping and praying and wishing that my delivery nurse I had with Cole is on duty then too! Jenny Burger at Maple Grove is amazing!!! Okay, those are all my plugs for today. Oh, not dilated, softening but not effaced and he has not dropped. But he's head down so I'm very very very happy! Thank you Jesus!