Saturday, August 23, 2008

Another Day at the Fair!!!

We went to the Fair again today! Where else would we go and what else would we do? :)
This time we met my parents because we always spend at least one day with them at the Fair. This year though, Dad and I did not split one of those 5 foot hotdogs which I think my stomach is much better this year because of that!
The day was so beautiful and we just leisurely walked around enjoying the weather and food. Again with the food but it's so much fun! I'm sure that I will gain back some of that baby weight! ;)
We are hoping to go again a couple more times and I can't wait!!!
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The State Fair is Here!!!

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The Fair is finally here! It's one of our most favorite times of year!!! And now that Taylor is here, he can share it with us!
Yesterday, we went to the fair with the Henderson Family!!! Since Tim and Kim just moved to Tennessee, we weren't able to go with them this year but Tim was able to fly in for the afternoon before he went back to South Dakota for the weekend so we were able to spend it with him which was awesome!!!

We were able to see a lot and eat a lot! But that's what the fair is for - eating!!! It was so awesome to be there and we loved every minute!!!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Fishin' with Mom and Dad

We finally planned a night with my parents! We've been trying all summer to get together and enjoy the boat but it hasn't worked out until now. But we had a beautiful night! So last night, we met Mom and Dad at 'Za, this awesome pizzeria in Forest Lake right off the lake and enjoyed some great food. Dad was a little eager to get out before the sun set so we had to eat fast! :)
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The lake was so calm and the sky was unbelievably clear - just a beautiful night! We went over to the channel near my Grandma's house and the guys started fishing. Mom and I played Scrabble (I have a travel set) and enjoyed the weather. Taylor slept the whole time! We made this little bed for him on the floor of the boat and bundled him all up. The weirdest thing though........we passed this one inlet where all these white cranes were up in the trees roosting for the night. There was about fifty to sixty cranes just sitting in the was so creepy. After that, we headed back to my parent's house to enjoy coffee malts. My dad makes the best malts! The night was so relaxing and wonderful, just a great Friday night!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Baby Kyle is Here!

Baby Kyle is finally here! Mom and baby are doing great! Again, another very easy delivery and handsome little boy! He is 8 lbs 11 oz and 22 inches long! Almost as big as Taylor, just 4 oz shy......but Heather had a much better delivery, which I am so happy for her and thankful that everything went so well! He's just the cutest little thing - lots of blond hair! I know, blonde hair on brand new baby, but it's true.......and its adorable. Again, Taylor stayed with Daddy while I was at the hospital and it was a very quick time at the hospital. Just had to let everyone know that he's here!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Wow! VBT is here! We went out to eat with everyone tonight just because we don't have to work this week. Oh wait, Mike doesn't have to work but I do........since I just got back from maternity leave a week ago, there wasn't any way that I could take another week off. We'll have to see how this works out. :) We went over to Applebees because they have their appetizers 1/2 off after 9pm and we take advantage of that deal! It was a great time and we got to brain storm about VBT and make sure we had the bases covered. It was awesome! We should make it a tradition!